
Printed Clutches

Nothing goes better with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt than a clutch with a cool print on it. Printed clutches spice up solid color outfits and with a pair of heels, can take you from day-to-night this spring. You can buy them new, or find amazing one-of-a-kind classics at vintage and thrift stores.

What trend are you into this spring?


Your Idol??

I am a huge fan of American Idol. Its one of my fav. shows to watch on tv! Last night Heejun unfortunatly had to go, which leaves 8 incredibly talented people in the running. Here are my 3 favorites:

1. Hollie Cavanagh
2. Colton Dixon

and 3. Jessica Sanchez

The other five:

Skylar Laine

Joshua Ledet

DeAndre Brackensack
Phillipp Phillipps
 and Elise Testone

 Who is your favorite???

My All-Time American Idol Favorite Is..... Danny Gokey


10 Human Body Myths That You Probably Believe

10 Human Body Myths That You Probably Believe

Going out in winter with wet hair means you're more likely to catch a cold

This old wives' tale seem to make perfect sense, but there is actually no correlation between feeling cold and catching one. More likely, people get sick more often in cold weather because we tend to congregate indoors, passing viruses more readily. Many experiments have investigated the temperature-illness relation over the years, but it’s been found time and time again that chilled and non-chilled participants all caught the rhinovirus at the same rate. Today, some research even suggests that cold temperatures actually stimulate our immune systems, helping protect against sniffles in the future.

Reading in the dark will ruin your eyesight

While it’s true that reading in dim light makes your eyes work a little harder, there is no evidence to suggest that the practice is detrimental in the long run. Like any muscle, eyes may get tired from having to let in as much light as possible while focusing on small text, and they may dry up a little. But this eye fatigue is far from irreversible, unless you read only in the dark, all the time. But then you have other problems to worry about.

You should drink eight glasses of water a day

This myth is based on a game of telephone. Back in 1945, a government agency recommended that we need around eight glasses of fluid per day for optimal health. The eight glasses fact stuck, but what people didn’t notice was that the experts said "fluid" -- which includes coffee, juice, pop etc. -- and not necessarily that we need to drink it (most of our food today contains water). Also, the advice is over 65 years old. This notion has been thoroughly debunked today. So, if you feel thirsty, drink something. If you don’t, don’t. 

You should never wake a sleepwalker

About 20% of the population is prone to sleepwalking, which tends to run in the family. Chances are, a lot of these people are going to hurt themselves if left to wander around dark houses in the middle of the night (not to mention those who attempt to cook, eat and drive). It’s commonly believed that waking sleepwalkers will lead to them becoming angry and disoriented, but at the more ridiculous end of the scale, some believe it increases risk of a heart attack. If you’re worried, just guide the person gently back to bed. That should do the trick.

You lose most of your body heat through your head

Time for a little logic here: If your head is uncovered but the rest of your body is, you will clearly lose more heat from up top. However, if your head is covered but an arm or leg is exposed, then that’s where heat will escape. This myth seems to have arisen from an old military study that left soldiers outside (with bodies completely covered) without hats and found significant heat loss through the head. Since then, it has been shown that we actually lose about 10% from our heads and the rest from other parts of the body. So you’ll feel a breeze whether you leave the house without pants or without a beanie.

Skipping meals helps you lose weight

Here’s the reality: No matter how good you think your self-control is, if you skip one meal, you will overeat at the next. It’s been proven. Many times. Eating regularly means your metabolismis working hard and burning calories while turning the food you’ve eaten to energy. When you’re not eating, it switches to standby mode, and fewer calories are being burned. The longer you starve yourself, the slower your metabolism will get, eventually resulting in a less efficient calorie-burning system. So skipping meals in the long run can actually make you gain weight. Also, if you’re combining meal-skipping with exercise, you will have less energy for exercise, and workouts will be less productive.

We only use 10% of our brain

Here’s the thing: We do use all of our brain, just not all at once. Brain damage studies are one of the ways the 10% myth has been disproven. No matter which part of the brain is injured, it affects performance in some way. Brain-imaging technologies show the same thing. So those who have been hoping to tap into the other 90% for telekinesis need to get off their asses and get the remote control themselves.

Cracking your knuckles will cause arthritis

If every crack of a knuckle took us one step closer to arthritis, there would be a lot more aching hands in the population. That pop you hear has nothing to do with the bones; it’s the sound of a small bubble of gas bursting, and there is no evidence to show that it will lead to arthritis, which is most often a symptom of plain old age, weight pressure or previous injury. But if you are a regular cracker, you might want to ease off. It has been shown that it does slightly weaken finger joints, leading to a less impressive grip later in life.

Alcohol kills brain cells

Your slurred speech Saturday night and the Sunday morning hangover may make you feel like you’ve dropped a hundred IQ points, but the actual fact is that drinking (unless you’re drinking pure alcohol, the disinfectant) won’t kill your brain cells. If you’re a raging alcoholic, you might be looking at some damage to how your neurons communicate, but this impairment is largely reversible. The liver problems, not so much.

Eating at night makes you fat

Let’s get this straight: A calorie is a calorie, and calories don’t watch the clock and turn into villains of the night after 6 p.m. You get fat by taking in more calories than you burn, so Krispy Kremes at night are no worse than Krispy Kremes in the morning. What does tend to happen is that people who wait to eat until late evening when they’re super hungry, or are mindlessly snacking on the sofa, consume more. If you eat a huge meal and then lie down to sleep, you may find it hard to drift off, but that’s about it.


LC at Kohl's

As y'all know I'm a huuuuuuge fan of Lauren Conrads.. I absolutely love her style. Now not only is she an amazing person but she's also a great fashion-designer. Next to her more evolved and high end Paper Crown -Line she also has an incredible line called LC Lauren Conrad
Here are some of my favorite items of the LC Lauren Conrad line:

Favorite Blazer / Jacket

Favorite Earrings

Favorite New Top

Favorite Headband
 Favorite Floral Top

Favorite Bottom/Skirt

Favorite Necklace

Favorite Dress

Favorite Shoes

Favorite Chiffon

Favorite Earrings
Can you tell I love bows???  Go and check out the entire collection at http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/ourbrands/lclaurenconrad.jsp


Hungry for The Hunger Games??

I am an absolute fan of the HUNGER GAMES. I read all 3 books in a week and went to watch the movie last night. It was amazing!! Y'all should really go and check it out

Here are some trailers:

And are you like me curious to find out to which district you belong?? Find out here!

This is my passport:

Where do you belong??


Florals for Spring??

Hi everyone,

Spring is here, the flowers are blooming, love is in the air and and I’m in love with these amazing floral prints and patterns. Everything from bed spreads to fingernails.
floralsWhich of these florals is your favorite? Have you seen any florals out there that you like? Share it in the comments below so we can all check it out! 


T.V. Series Addict??

I am a complete t.v. series addict! I watch everything from How I met your mother to ncis to glee and Pretty Little Liars! But how do you ask?? Well easy, even tho a lot of these shows are on t.v. on the same time and only available in the U.S. I can still watch them online.

Where?? Well here are my Top 3 favorite sites to watch series:

No1: http://www.sidereel.com/

Do you prefer movies?? No Problem

Do you have any good sites for me??


Happy St. Patrick's Day

How did you guys spend St. Patick's Day??

I spend it with hanging with my friends... We had beautiful weather here in Berlin so we decided to go outside to a park and afterwards we went for dinner and drinks at my fav restaurant " Que Pasa!" in Berlin.. Here are some pics from today:

Chillin in the Park:

We even saw a cute little Sr. Patrick's Day Parade:

and then for Dinner and Drinks to Que Pasa:

Mhh yummy food:

I had a great time today.. how about you?? what did you do?


Is it Spring already??

You look into your closet and  ( like me =D) realize you have nothing to wear this season??

Well then here are some examples of trendy outfits and more important colors for this Spring.

Trend Yellow: Yellow is THE color this season! Will you try it??

Trend Pink: Pink is always a great color and suits almost everyone... maybe you like this outfit??

Trend Maxi: Again this Spring Maxi-Dresses are in... not only are they extremely comfortable but they are an easy transfer from casual to dressy.

Trend Turqoise: I personally absolutly love this color! It's fresh, funny and free just like Spring!

And for all those of you, who do not like color, I also have a very rockin black outfit for you:

What are your trends for this Spring/ Summer Season??


Carly Rae

Have you guys heard of Carly Rae Jepson??

She is a canadian singer who has recently been signed by no other then Justin Bieber.
But don't worry if you can't stand Justin, Carly is really amaazing.

And i am completely obsessed with her song : "Call me maybe"
If you live in Germany or somewhere else where you can't watch music video's on youtube here is an alternative link : http://www.myvideo.de/watch/8456838/Carly_Rae_Jepsen_Call_Me_Maybe

And for all the Beliebers and Selena Gomez or Ashley Tisdale fans, here is a funny video they made for this song:

Damn You Autocorrect

Do you guys have phones with autocorrect?? If you do then you know the problem. Autocorrect basically tries to guess what you wanna say and sometimes it gets it right and sometimes it gets it very very wrong!!

If you want more go to http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/

Here are some examples:


Pura Vida

One of my fav things in the world are Pura Vida Bracletts.

They are simply, cute, stylish and help a great cause! 

Go and check them out at http://puravidabracelets.com/store.html

Every bracelet purchased helps
provide full time jobs for local
artisans in Costa Rica. Pura Vida!

Plus if you act fast you can get a great discount... Use the code SUNNY20  for 20% off

But : Hurry, this offer ends tonight 3/14 at 11:59PM PST. 


Spring Florals!

Some florals on my spring wish list! Floral has always been adorably in style for dresses and blouses… but this spring and summer will bring many more floral accessories and JEANS! These COH jeans are on my covet list (and have been for quite a while). I’m totally fighting the urge to make the purchase and will try to find a more wallet-friendly version!


Loving Lace

Lovely lace for Spring/Summer 2012

I am just in love with the lace trend for spring and summer this year, it's just so feminine and pretty. My inner girly girl can barely wait to get her dainty digits on a few lovely lacy items.

Here are some of my favorites, found on Pinterest, which will serve as inspiration for my wardrobe this year.

1. Lace shirts

2. Lace shorts

3. Lace dresses

4. Umbrella & Shoes